
“Discover the world through Rosy’s eyes, one story at a time.”

Hello, fellow adventurers! I’m Rosy, and I live in the vibrant city of Munich, Germany. I am a finance student who once thrived in the corporate world. But my true passion has always been writing, especially about real-life experiences.

When COVID-19 hit, I had more time to reflect and decided to dive deeper into my hobby, balancing it with my job. Fast-forward to 2021, and I made a bold decision to travel more and immerse myself in the beauty of nature.

So, whenever I had time, I would just pack my bag and go out to explore. I started with solo trips to nearby places: Colmar, Berlin, Hamburg, Basel, Zurich, and Vienna. Once I gained confidence in solo trips, I started exploring many countries.

But it was my adventure in Iceland that truly changed everything. Living there for a while was a game-changer for me. I got the chance to visit Iceland, a destination that had long been on my bucket list. Every moment spent in this magical place was a story waiting to be told.

One of my favorite memories from Iceland was visiting the Blue Lagoon. After a long day of exploring, I decided to unwind in the warm, mineral-rich waters. As I floated under the midnight sun, I spoke with a female traveler from Japan. We ended up sharing travel stories and tips for hours, all while enjoying the surreal beauty of the lagoon. It was a perfect reminder of how travel can connect us with people worldwide.

Join me as I share my Icelandic escapades and other travel tales. Offering tips, itineraries, and recommendations to help you make the most of your journeys.

Let’s explore Iceland together, one story at a time.